Right-to-Know Law Request Policy

This written policy outlines the proper procedures for requesting records from Castanea Township under Pennsylvania Right to Know Law. Additional information can be found at the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records website, specifically the Citizens Guide to Right-to-Know Law.

Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Right-to-Know Officer of Castanea Township at 570-748-9070.

  1. All requests for records must be in writing and signed by the requester. The requester should identify or describe the records sough with sufficient specificity to enable the township to ascertain which records are being requested and shall include a name and address to which the township should address its response.
  2. All requests shall be in writing and shall be sent or delivered to the Township in person, by US Mail, or via email. The township will not accept verbal requests for records.
  3. In person requests can be made at the office during regular business hours. A standard Right to Know form will be provided if necessary to complete the request.
  4. Under the right to know law, certain documents and reports are exempted from the definition of a Public Record, therefore, any such request will be denied.
  5. If a request for records is granted, the following fees will be charged to the request:
    Black & White Copies: 1 to 1,000 pages $0.25 per copy and 1,000 plus copies $.20 per copy. All Color Copies, when requested, will be charged at $.50 per copy.
  6. All electronic document files which are requested to be converted to paper will be charged at $.25 per page.
  7. For additional information pertaining to fees the Township is able to charge, please visit the Citizens Guide to Right to Know Law by clicking on the link provided above.

Right-To-Know Request Form